Candy Broccoli
Its hard to say this
But you know its true
You only like me
When I’m not with you
You never like me
When I’m head over heals
Under your spell
When I look in your eyes
But when I’m happy
With someone else
You turn on your charm
And start flirting with me
I hope you understand
I still have feelings deep
For you and only you
A place in my heart I’ll keep
But I’ve got to move on
Just one more step
Past the feelings
That use to overwhelm
I’ve got to keep fishing
Maybe I’ll find on of the limit
One I can keep and mount on my heart
Not one that takes the bait then breaks the line
I don’t know if you know what you’ve given me
Pain, joy, and some days a reason for living
But I’ve got to break that new limb
And make room for a tree

This is a sequel to the poem New Limb.  I realized she wasn't the one for me.

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